
Peterborough City Council’s Winter Warmth Funding 2022/2023

Peterborough City Council’s Winter Warmth Funding 2022/2023
Delivered through Peterborough Care & Repair Professional’s Fact Sheet

Funding is available through this current cost of living crisis for a range of measures to help vulnerable, lower income residents through the winter months. If the clients you are seeing are facing problems with maintaining a warm and comfortable home environment, the Council may be able to assist with the following measures:
 Boilers Replacements – due to breakdowns/energy inefficiency – including the loan of emergency portable heaters whilst work is on order *
 Boiler Repairs up to £500 *
 Boiler Servicing
 Installation of Thermostatic Radiator Valves to control room temperatures *
 Smart boiler/heating controls where appropriate *
 Damp proofing *
 Essential repairs linked to electrical and heating issues *
 Electrical upgrades and new installations *
 Double Glazing of single glazed door and windows *
 Valves on LPG cylinders to meet new Building Control requirements
 Dehumidifiers to mitigate condensation damp where appropriate *
 Small energy efficient electrical appliances where appropriate
 Loft insulation when there is currently less than 100mm of insulation *

* Subject to property survey
Eligibility Criteria – in receipt of:
 Homeowner is resident in Peterborough Unitary Authority area
 And is receipt of one of the following:
 Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
 Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
 Income Support
 Pension Guarantee Credit
 Child Tax Credit / Working Tax Credit
 Universal Credit
Or has:
 A total annual gross household income less than £30,000

If you are referring a client, please confirm verbal consent has been given for the referral. Call Care & Repair on Tel: 01733 863895 or email