
Newly painted telephone kiosk stands proudly to attention!

You may have noticed some of Wansford’s Parish Councillors recently working on the telephone kiosk in the Old North Road.  The kiosk houses our community’s defibrillator and also has a small library of books.  Councillors Richard Clarke, Graham Stevens and Quentin Bambridge wire brushed the flaked red paint off the kiosk’s surface to prepare for two coats of pink primer before adding a further two coats of cardinal red paint.  Thanks are due to the occupier of the household living immediately beside the kiosk who also supported the project by allowing the Councillors to access a power supply from his home for their tools and who also helped with the painting.  The telephone kiosk is partially made of mahogany wood and so it needs a new coat of paint to protect it every few years.  Thank you Councillors – this is another example of where Wansford Parish Council saves money by doing their own maintenance work for the community!

Marie Lewis, Wansford Parish Clerk

The photo below shows Cllr Graham Stevens sanding down the kiosk,

wearing safety gear including eye protectors,

industrial face mask, work gloves and eye protectors.