Subject: Castle Farm England Woodland Creation tree planting consultation – EWCO 123 22_23
From: “Gordon Hill” <>
To: “” <>
Date: 16/08/2023 10:35
Dear Mr Stannage,
I am writing you in your capacity as the Chair of the Wansford Parish Council and I hope you can direct this email and its content to the most appropriate committee member(s) and to the local homeowners in the North Road / Thackers Close area who may be most interested.
I am acting on behalf of Mike Bradshaw of Castle Farm, New Lane Stibbington, Peterborough, PE8 6LW.
We are proposing to plant a total of 6 ha of woodland on his farm, in 2 compartments and utilising grant assistance from the Forestry Commission to undertake this work. As a result of the planning process and to undertake due diligence we are required to consult with neighbours and other interested parties to ensure that our plans work well for all concerned. Our designs and plans are being undertaken to comply with the UK Forest Standard, which is the reference standard for sustainable management in the UK. Endorsed by all UK governments, it sets out the legal, environmental, economic and social requirements for forestry practice as well as providing technical guidelines for regulation, monitoring and provision of grant aid.
I have attached maps which give an overview of our plans.
I would expect that the local homeowners who reside along North Road, near Wansford may be most interested in this project. We have been mindful to accommodate the views from the neighbouring homes within Thackers Close from their back gardens in the north-westerly viewpoints by keeping our planting back 90m from the existing fenceline, and further utilising small tree species like Hawthorn and Hazel for planting in the forefront. The main planting is then undertaken where the site drops down toward the river. We are thinking of fencing the planted areas, but retaining a footpath for permissive access around the plantation. The Public Right of Way will not be affected by these plans.
Please feel free to contact me, my details are below.
Kind Regards,
Gordon Hill BScF
Woodland Consultant
Hill & Company Woodlands Ltd
21 Paterson Gardens,
Hawick, Scottish Borders